Dear PES Families,

We hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Our newsletter can be accessed here.

Please consider helping PES support the victims of the recent Hurricanes that have impacted the southeast of the United States in recent weeks. The informational fliers have been home with all students. We are asking for donations of the items listed on the fliers, with a final collection date of October 22. Donations can be sent to the school with students or dropped off by community members. Thank you for considering supporting this important cause.

Red Ribbon Spirit Week is coming up soon! Red Ribbon Week serves as a catalyst to mobilize communities to educate youth and encourage participation in drug prevention activities. PES will observe this important week by holding 5 different spirit days! We will also have special Red Ribbon Themed items and activities for our Panthers throughout the week. The information for Red Ribbon Week and our Spirit Days is being sent home with students, and is also on our Facebook page and in our Panther Newsletter.

This week, we shine our PES Educator Spotlight on Mr. Ryan List. Mr. List is our Music Specialist/Teacher and the Maestro of PES! Mr. List has been teaching for 10 years! Mr. List has achieved a Bachelor of Science in Music Education from Lebanon Valley College and a Bachelor of Arts in Music with a Concentration in Trombone Performance from Lebanon Valley College. Currently, Mr. List is pursuing his Master of Music Education with a Modern Band Certificate from Lebanon Valley College. Mr. List leads our band, orchestra, chorus, and Panther Singers while also being a member of our Wellbeing and Belonging School Improvement Team. Mr. List plans to continue to help students develop a lifelong passion for music making and maybe even help inspire the next generation of music educators at a post-secondary level! We are so thankful that Mr. List has made the Panther Pride Den his home! #PESEducators #PESPantherPride

The next PTO meeting is scheduled for Monday, 10/14, and will be at 4:30 PM.

Please read our full newsletter for all the latest PES and CCPS news. This includes information from our school, the larger school district, and some of our community partners offering resources to our families.

Important upcoming events included in this newsletter are:

  1. PTO Meeting - Monday, 10/14/24

  2. Lego Book Club - Tuesday, 10/15/24 - 3:45 PM

  3. Hurricane Relief Donation Drive - Until 10/22/24

  4. Red Ribbon Spirit - 10/21 to 10/25/24

If you have any questions about what's happening at PES, please email me (angeloni.antonio@ccpsstaff.org) or call the school directly.

Here are the contents of this week's newsletter:

  • PES Updates Message from Mr. Angeloni - UPDATED - 10/12/24

  • Hurricane Relief Donation Drive - NEW

  • Red Ribbon Spirit Week (10/21 to 10/25/24) - NEW

  • PES Teacher Spotlight! - Mr. Ryan List - NEW

  • The PES PTO Corner - UPDATED - 10/12/24

  • CCPS 24-25 Calendar - REPOST

  • CCPS Title I Parent Survey - REPOST

  • Powerschool Information Updates - REPOST

  • CCPS - Universal Breakfast and Lunch - REPOST

  • CCPS Code of Conduct - REPOST

  • Download the CCPS App today! - REPOST

  • Choptank Health - October Newsletter - REPOST

  • Cook Center Resources - REPOST

  • Attendance Reminders - REPOST

  • Update on CCPS Lunches - REPOST

  • CCPS Food Backpack Program - NEW for 24-25

  • Promoting a healthy and safe environment for ALL students and staff - REPOST

  • PES School Improvement Plan and Family Engagement Home Compact - UPDATED

  • PES Parent Title I Information - REPOST

We appreciate all of the patience, kindness, and flexibility our community continues to show our staff!


A.J. Angeloni