PES Halloween Parade and Party Information

Dear PES Families,

We are excited to announce our plans for Halloween this year! Halloween activities will be held on October 31, 2022.  Below are some reminders to ensure our Halloween Parade and Parties are a success:

  • The parade begins at 9:30 AM and will travel down the side of the school and up Noble Avenue

  • Parents and families are invited to view the parade and can line up down Noble Avenue, the car rider loop, and the side parking lot

  • Other school-aged children are NOT permitted on this day as parade spectators 

  • Children not yet of school age are welcomed with their parents

  • Please park on the side of the building or by the tennis courts behind PES

  • After the parade students will return to their classrooms for their Halloween parties and the remainder of the school day

  • Parties are closed to all visitors except parent volunteers selected by teachers, no parents/family members will be inside classrooms on this day